Our responsibility 

As a fiduciary investor, we advocate for sound corporate governance and sustainable business practices that result in short and long-term value creation for our clients. We emphasize and practice Global corporate governance and engagement principles. 

Engaging with companies

We engage company leadership on key topics emphasising governance practices including management of environmentaland social factors that potentially have material economic, operational or reputational ramifications for the company. The purpose of engagement is to provide companies with our feedback as a short and long-term investor and to understand a company’s approach. Where and when appropriate.

Promoting through leadership

In conjunction with FCF’s Global Public Policy Group, we engage on public policy issues to evolve industry best practices and governance regulations.  

Engagement priorities

Our engagement priorities promote sound corporate governance and business practices that are consistent with sustainable short and long-term financial returns. We determine our engagement priorities based on our observation of market developments and emerging governance practices, and evolve them year over year as necessary.

Corporate strategy and capital allocation

We expect our corporate partners to be fully engaged with management on the development and implementation of the company’s strategy. Companies should succinctly explain their long-term strategic goals, the milestones that demonstrate progress, and any obstacles anticipated or incurred.

Compensation that promotes long-termism

We expect executive pay policies to use performance measures that are closely linked to the company’s long-term strategy and goals to ensure executives are rewarded for delivering strong and sustainable returns over the long-term, as opposed to short-term hikes in share prices.

Environmental risks and opportunities

Sound practices in relation to the material environmental factors inherent to a company’s business model can be a signal of operational excellence and management quality. Environmental factors relevant to the long-term economic performance of companies are typically industry-specific, although in today’s dynamic business environment some, such as regulation and technological change, can have a broader impact. Corporate reporting should help investors and others understand the company’s approach to these factors and how risks are integrated and opportunities realised.

Human capital management

In a talent constrained environment, we view a company’s approach to human capital management as a potential competitive advantage. We expect disclosure around a company’s approach to ensuring the adoption of the sound business practices likely to create an engaged and stable workforce.

I have the vision to develop new areas of business on behalf of our clients and business partners and a mission to become the global partner in green, renewable and sustainable energy supply.


Schorsch Wagner